Employment Directions

Business support

Employment Directions is a free service that provides all-round employment support to adults with a physical or mental health condition. If any of your employees would benefit from support to stay in work or return after a period off sick, tell them about Employment Directions.

We can also support you with recruiting employees that are the right fit for your business and help them transition into work and thrive in their job.

Employment Directions is funded by the Department for Work and Pensions and delivered by Cheshire West and Chester Council and local NHS partners.

What support do we provide?

Employment Directions offers individualised support for up to 12 months to help people stay in or return to work. The majority of participants have found the service boosted their confidence, their job search capability, and their motivation.

  • Recruitment: we help individuals with job applications, CVs, and interview skills, so that they can find a job that suits their skills and employment goals. We can support you with recruiting employees that are the right fit for your business.
  • Support in work: Employment Directions offers one-to-one support from an employment specialist to help people manage a health condition at work and thrive in their job. This includes regular face-to-face, online or phone appointments.
  • All-round support: we can help individuals with better off in work calculations. This includes guidance with finding support for housing and debt advice and much more.

How to apply:

To get support from Employment Directions, individuals should speak to their GP or self-refer using the email address below.

Email: IPS@cheshirewestandchester.gov.uk


Please visit the Employment Directions section on our website for more information:


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