Is your business prepared for the new Simpler Recycling legislation coming into force next month? A new toolkit has been designed to help you prepare for the changes.
What is changing?
From the 31st March 2025 businesses will need to separate the following groups of recyclable materials:
- Glass, metal and plastic
- Cardboard and paper
- Food waste as a dedicated collection
The new guidelines apply to all businesses, healthcare establishments and academic institutions but small businesses with fewer than 10 full-time employees are temporarily exempt until the 31st March 2027.
There is also no minimum food waste weight before the new regulations apply.
WRAP (Waste Resource Action Programme) is a national organisation supporting all sectors to recycle effectively. They provide free guidance on what you need to do to comply with the new laws (Business of Recycling | WRAP) and help you to renegotiate your existing waste contracts by following a useful toolkit specifically designed for different sectors.