UKSPF Business Support and People & Skills Programme
Page updated 18/03/25
Transition Year (2025-26)
In the Autumn Budget 2025, the Government announced some additional funding, as a transition year, would be made available for one year to extend the programme. On 13 December, it was confirmed that the allocation for Cheshire West and Chester would be £3,646,047 and a new technical note (Gov.UK) was issued setting out revised guidance on use of the funding.
Current Year (2024-25) - updated 17/03/25
The UKSPF Year 3 Business Support programme ends on 31 March 2025. While the majority of UKSPF-funded projects are now closed, the following remain open until 31 March:
- fully-funded workshops covering a wide range of topics of interest to both established businesses and new start-ups. There is a small number of events currently scheduled for delivery before 31 March and more information on these can be found on our Let’s Talk Business website events’ page.
- Our Access to Excellence Innovation Project can still support businesses to demystify and navigate the current innovation support offerings available locally and nationally by introducing you to key technology and strategic partners that can help your business’s growth journey. Please contact our delivery partner, Nexus Earth, at to find out more.
- new entrepreneurs (those trading fewer than 2 years) can access support through our delivery partner, West Cheshire and North Wales Chamber of Commerce - West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce.
- fully-funded hot-desking from our Meridian House BIG Hub on Winsford Industrial Estate. You can find out more and book a spot using this link: - Meridian house hot desk space | Coworking Chester | Industry.
Our weekly e-newsletter promotes local news and any new funding and support opportunities. If you haven’t already signed up to receive this, you can do so using this link, Register for our business directory - Let's Talk Business Cheshire West.
We are currently developing a new suite of Business Support projects for delivery in 2025-26 and intend to launch the programme in April/May, at which time businesses will be able to register for support. Full details will be provided on the Lets Talk Business website: Let's Talk Business Cheshire West
Programme Update
The UKSPF Supporting Local Business theme aims to:
- further develop the conditions for businesses in all spheres of activity to start-up, scale-up, innovate and invest in growth-enhancing activities and
- build a stronger and more resilient business base that supports the delivery of the Council’s sustainable and inclusive growth objectives.
The Business Support programme for 2025-26 has been shaped by taking into account the reduced level of UKSPF funding allocated the Council and building on the lessons learned from the delivery of business support activity over the 3 previous years of UKSPF funding.
Priorities for 2025-26
In looking to deliver activities that maximise the benefits of the funding available to support local businesses to be more sustainable and inclusive employers, we will be prioritising interventions that:
- encourage entrepreneurship and facilitate new start-ups
- enable SMEs to access advice, support and potential funding from local and national programmes aimed at increasing investment in innovation, R&D and energy saving projects
- support the growth of social enterprises and community businesses to help deliver the Council’s inclusive growth ambitions
- strengthen the visitor economy
- identify and implement opportunities to revitalise our market towns
- promote and seek to attract new investment into our local inward investment opportunities: ORIGIN Ellesmere Port, Invest Chester and Mid-Cheshire (Northwich and Winsford).
We are currently in the process of procuring delivery partners to deliver a suite of projects in 2025-26 and further details will be provided as soon each project is live.
Learn more about each of the UKSPF projects being delivered through the programme in the links at the bottom of this page.
If you'd like to find out if your business is eligible for support please complete the Expression of Interest (EOI) form below (for all of the projects listed - apart from the Digital Connectivity Project, which has its own separate EOI).
Please note:
- the programme and projects only support businesses based in the west Cheshire area
- if applying for a grant, priority will be given to businesses that have not previously received a UKSPF grant between April 2022 - March 2025
Learn about the UKSPF Year 2 Programme, the outcomes and businesses supported
Further support is also available through the platforms listed below:
Ultimate resource for business growth and development.
Whether you need help with business management, marketing, design, social impact, and more – we’ve got it. This central knowledge hub is designed for companies of all shapes and sizes, at all stages of their journey. From large enterprises, start-ups, and not-for-profit organisations (incl. charities) alike, Business Tapas can point you in the direction of support and advice that is tailored to you.
Supporting our local high streets the app promotes deals, events, information and trails.
It is free for all west Cheshire based businesses to register as Cheshire West and Chester Council is currently funding the subscription costs.
If you're business isn't yet registered email to find out more and get on the app.
Go4Growth is a programme designed specifically to help local and small to medium enterprises (including micro businesses and the voluntary sector) in any sector to enter and grow in the public sector marketplace.
The programme is funded by Cheshire West and Chester Council so west Cheshire businesses can join the programme and take the support; guidance, tools and resources on offer, with no cost to them. No matter where you are on your journey as a business, if you aspire to do more work in the public sector, the Go4Growth programme can help.
Learn about Cheshire West and Chester Council's UKSPF Investment Plan and the other themes being delivered as part of this, which includes Communities and Place.

Delivery Partner:
West Cheshire & North Wales (WCNW) Chamber of Commerce
Project Detail:
Providing 121 tailored support, advice and guidance aimed at supporting businesses to develop, grow and build resilience. The advisers have a wide range of experience to help guide your business to appropriate support, training, and grants, working closely with local and national business support partners.
Additionally, this project will support entrepreneurship activity through a mix of networking, workshops and a start-up club, helping new businesses to start and existing businesses, trading less than 2 years, to develop and build confidence.
Delivery Partner:
Cheshire West & Chester Council
Project Detail:
Grant funding for digital connectivity projects in rural west Cheshire community building/spaces.
This project will support eligible rural west Cheshire community buildings/spaces with free installation of a 5G Ready Antenna and a pre-loaded sim-card to cover data usage for a period of 12 months.
Before completing the Expression of Interest Form (EOI) below please use the Magic website, DEFRA's online mapping platform, to check that your building/space is in a rural location, as defined by the Rural England Prosperity Fund (REPF) boundaries. Building/spaces that are not classed as rural by the REPF will be ineligible for the grant. This link provides instructions on how to navigate the Magic website.
Digital Connectivity Grant EOI
(before completing the EOI please ensure you have checked rural eligibility using the Magic website - more details above)
Delivery Partner:
Project Detail:
Grants, advice, guidance, and support to help businesses to accelerate a shift to Net Zero and a more sustainable low carbon economy.
The project will help companies to identify cost savings through energy reduction opportunities in their operations, lowering their carbon footprint.
Eligible businesses will be able to access a grant to help adopt low carbon technologies. The grant is focused on, but not exclusively, businesses with more than 5 employees.
Delivery Partner:
West Cheshire & North Wales (WCNW) Chamber of Commerce
Project Detail:
Updated 09/11/24 - Training Grants now fully committed
Following a training needs analysis/training plan funding up to £2,000 available for businesses for non-mandatory training to support employers to upskill existing staff to enable them to grow, diversify, and become more inclusive.
Delivery Partner:
University of Chester
Project Detail:
Providing training for employers to enable them to become more inclusive in their approach to recruitment of staff and support current employees to thrive.
Delivery Partner:
Nexus Earth
Project Detail:
The Innovation Access to Excellence project supports businesses to navigate the extensive local and national innovation support opportunities on offer.
Through a combination of support, including workshops, networking opportunities, and one-on-one advice, the project will assist your business in exploring opportunities to adopt new technologies, enhance efficiency, build resilience, and access new markets and resources.
The project will demystify the current innovation support offerings available locally and nationally by introducing you to key technology and strategic partners that can help your business’s growth journey.
This support is specifically targeted at manufacturing, production and engineering businesses in West Cheshire, with a focus on those that employ 5-50 staff.
Delivery Partner:
Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)
Project Detail:
The Cheshire Innovation Network (CIN) provides eligible West Cheshire businesses with an in-depth programme of idea development, which supports them to embed a repeatable innovation process, develop a network of peers, and identify specific support and collaboration opportunities.
Key content in this interactive programme includes:
- Principles of lean innovation
- Identification of key customers
- Value proposition development
- Prototyping and market testing
- Action learning sessions to facilitate the development of an innovation support network
The programme, aimed at business leaders in manufacturing, engineering and production sectors, is delivered in cohorts of peers. We also deliver a series of workforce development one day workshops for other staff in the business, designed to create a wider understanding of innovation and support new concept development within the business.
Delivery Partner:
University of Chester (UoC)
Project Detail:
Updated 09/11/24 Innovation grants now fully committed
Grants to support businesses to expedite the adoption of innovation changes that will lead to increased productivity, growth and the introduction of new technologies and products.
This support is predominantly targeted at established west Cheshire manufacturing, production, and engineering businesses with a focus on those that employ more than 5 staff.
Delivery Partner:
Warrington & Vale Royal College
Project Detail:
3 pilot short courses to respond to the training gaps identified in the LSIP, focusing particularly around manufacturing, health and social care sectors.
More Information:
Looking to elevate your business but unsure where to start?
The Cheshire & Warrington Local Skills Improvement Plan (LSIP) supports local businesses with a team of dedicated specialists. They provide the information and guidance needed to upskill your workforce and elevate your business.
Through a network of educational institutions and employers, they offer the most effective and tailored training options for your business. But if you aren’t familiar with what an LSIP is, and why they are important… then see below.
What is the LSIP?
- It is a collaborative effort between employers, education providers and local stakeholders who have an aligned goal to create tailored training programs that meet the specific needs of the local labour market.
Why is the LSIP important?
- Bridging the Skills Gap:
- Ensures training programs are relevant to local industry demands.
- Helps address specific skills shortages in various sectors.
- Empowering Businesses:
- Businesses have a direct say in shaping the skills and training landscape.
- Ensures that the workforce is equipped with the right skills to drive economic growth.
- Boosting Employment:
- Aligns education with real job opportunities, enhancing employability.
- Supports local economic development by creating a pipeline of skilled workers.
- Fostering Collaboration:
- Encourages partnerships between employers, educational institutions, and local authorities.
- Promotes a shared vision for regional economic success!
So… how can the Cheshire & Warrington LSIP help your business?
Get in touch for more information, and to discuss your business needs. The team are there to guide you towards the resources that will propel your business forward.
Upskill your workforce with funded training and drive your business to the next level.
There is more information about how this project can help business with The Future of Skills T-Levels, Understanding Apprenticeship Levy Transfers and Improving Your Employees Technical Skills on our Business Tapas platform.
Delivery Partner:
Project Detail:
An opportunity for business to upskill and develop managers, supervisors or business leaders to take forward the company's ambitions around addressing challenges and opportunities around Net-Zero. The programme of activity funded by UK SPF will include:
- 2 day IEMA accredited Pathways to Net Zero training course,
- On-site support from a low carbon specialist to identify company specific opportunities and challenges for your company's Net-Zero plan.
- Access to a programme of continual professional development webinars across a range of topics from energy efficiency, renewables, carbon foot printing, low carbon auditing and more.
The benefits for employers will be the development of staff capability to carry out low carbon / net-zero audits of their business, and the creation of a net-zero strategy to communicate internally and externally the company's ambitions to move towards adopting a net zero approach.
Delivery Partner:
Multiple providers including West Cheshire & North Wales Chamber of Commerce
Project Detail:
The Multiply programme delivers maths support to those who need it, in a flexible and tailored way ensuring your feel more confident with numbers. The programme can help you progress on to courses that can get you a recognised qualification. Support is available for those aged 19 or over who do not have a maths GCSE at grade C/4.
Multiply Courses are part of the Council’s vision for an Inclusive Economy; supporting people to develop new skills, get into good jobs with fair wages, and reduce poverty and inequality.
Delivery Partner:
West Cheshire & North Wales (WCNW) Chamber of Commerce
Project Detail:
Supporting employers to identify solutions to support them to recruit, retain, and develop existing employee skills, aimed at growing low carbon/manufacturing sector in the borough, in particular at Origin, Ellesmere Port.
Delivery Partner:
Cheshire Community Action
Project Detail:
An enhanced business support and advisory service for pre-start, new and existing social enterprises in West Cheshire through face to face and online one to one support. Support includes guidance on social economy legal structures, business planning, attracting external investment and access to skills training.
A Chester gelateria has marked its first year in the business with a national award
Cheshire Lieutenancy is running a morning workshop on May 1st for Cheshire organisations, large and small, who want to find out more about making a successful application for a King's Award for Enterprise, the highest official UK awards for outstanding achievement by UK businesses.
A former fertiliser site near Ellesmere Port and Chester is set for redevelopment after it was bought by a 'natural resources' developer